Friday, March 13, 2009

"Insights for Strengthening the Blessed Alliance": Conference Recap

I just returned from Florida where I taught a workshop titled, “Insights for Strengthening the Blessed Alliance” (the “blessed alliance” refers to Adam and Eve in Eden when God blessed them and commissioned them to form an alliance to rule and subdue the earth) at the recent Synergy Conference in Orlando. Synergy is a networking conference for women in vocational ministry, and has been in existence for about 5 years now. I have taught there for most of those years and they always want me to teach the same thing: how men and women can work together in ways that are biblical and that strengthen their ability to work effectively together in ministry. The need for believers to learn how to affirm one another and develop healthy, godly relationships never goes away! So it is my privilege to join these fine women each year with a practical message on developing healthy interpersonal relationships.
Though I love to teach women, I also love the opportunity to develop ministry relationships and deepen budding friendships. Most of these women I only see once a year, so I look forward to times to visit and share highlights of our lives and ministries. The photos here just capture a glimmer of the fun that was had connecting with like-minded women. Maybe I will see you there next year! Mark your calendar: March 5-7, 2010. It should prove to be stimulating as next year’s theme will be: “The Shaping of a Leader’s Soul”.

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