Thursday, April 14, 2011

“Who Do You Think You Are” Book Feedback

If you ask any of us here at Greater Reach about the book “Who Do You Think You Are,” you’ll hear nothing but good things. (We can’t help it … we love it. We believe its message has life-changing power.) But you can’t just take our word for it! Women around the world are excited about it, too.

Read this unedited book recommendation from reader Susan Marovic:

“Women looking for a greater role in the world and wanting to know how to be MORE . . . this is the book for you. Dr. Beasley explores some of our assumptions about ourselves and how our families helped us form these assumptions. For example, “when we have a painful emotional experience, we women often blame ourselves.” I do not know of a woman who has not done this very same thing. She helps us find out if our assumptions about ourselves are rooted in our culture or society and how to come up with more accurate views of ourselves. Jesus communicated a true respect for women in His day and was quite revolutionary in His thinking. ‘Jesus intentionally included women in His Kingdom work’ helped me realize that God has a definite place and job for me in His Kingdom. “

Another area that helped me understand others was the area of self-esteem. This is one of the fruits of skewed assumptions about ourselves. For example, Dr. Beasley states:

“‘If you have chronic low self-esteem, I need to tell you that you are most likely self-absorbed. Women with low self-esteem are as self-absorbed as the biggest egomaniac because their thoughts revolve around themselves, their problems, and how bad or unworthy they are. This will hold you back from accomplishing anything.’

“She also helped me understand that my career is not necessarily a mandate from God—‘your personal mandate is about something much bigger than a paycheck. It involves your entire life, not just your working hours.’

“This book is written for the woman with a busy career AND a woman who does not work but desires true significance—it IS more than a paycheck, despite what the world would have you believe!”

And there you have it … straight from not our lips, but from the fingertips of an eager reader!

Perhaps you or someone you know will have more than an “ah ha!” moment when you read this book; you may have an entire reawakening to the person God created you to be. You may unearth the very specific purpose for this life He has called you to live. Don’t wait! ORDER NOW

By: Kristin Beasley (Jodi Carlson)

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