Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jesus Defies Culture: The Woman at the Well (excerpt 5 of 5)

You are catching the final entry of a series of posts with excerpts from my book, “Who Do You Think You Are?” focusing on Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the water well (John 4:1-30).

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Read the second post >> {entry #2}
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In the book, a two-column chart displays the information below. It considers what the cultural and traditional norms were at the time, and contrasts them with how Jesus, the “radical rabbi,” behaved toward the Samaritan woman.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: A rabbi could not speak to a woman in public.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ speaks to a Samaritan woman. Christ rejected Jewish teaching forbidding talking to women.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: Jewish leaders considered woman incapable of understanding religious teaching.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ though she was capable of learning.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: Jewish leaders considered a woman unworthy of religious teaching.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ thought she was worthy and wanted to include her in the plan of salvation.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: Women were not considered reliable witnesses in Israel.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ knew she would be a witness for Him.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: Rabbinic law stated that Samaritan women were considered unclean.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ defied this tradition. He rejected Jewish teaching regarding uncleanness.

Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: Religious segregation was normal for both women and Samaritans.

The Radical Rabbi’s Behavior: Christ defied this tradition.Culture & Traditional Dictated Behavior: A man would never drink from a woman.

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